BSA Venturing, GIF!BSA Number 3, JPEG!BSA Number 6, JPEG!BSA Number 9, JPEG!BSA Venturing, GIF!

Our Wish List

Dire Need

  • 50 Wyse 60's (or other vt100 clone terminals)
  • 50 cables and connectors
  • 4 16 port, RJ45 Terminal Servers (SunOS or Solaris)

Need by September 2001

  • 20 Sun Workstations Monitors, Keboards, etc
  • Anything else Sun:-)

Be nice to have!

  • 2 - LCD Projector
  • 2 - Notebook Computer to run the Projectors on.

Fase Two of our Program!

  • An attorney to volunteer to help us get a 501C3
  • Our Own Building
  • Money to operate our own building

  • Ok, Think Big:-)

    Cray Mvc

    JD Corder infront of a Cray Mvc
    JD Corder infront of a Cray Mvc
    Cray TD3 GIF

    Cray T3D

    IBM SP2

    IBM SP2 Gif IBM SP2 Gif

    SGI PowerChallenge Array

    SGI PowerChallenge Array Gif

    SGI O2 Array

    SGI O2 JPG

    SUN Microsystems

    Sun-SLC,ELC,IPC,IPX, SparcII, Sparc5, Sparc10, Sparc20, Ultra10
    Or just about any Sun System to make up our new lab:-)

    Updated July 19, 1999.

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