Exploring Gif
Frederick J. Bunte
Exploring Hall of Fame Award

The Federick J. Bunte Exploring Hall of Fame is an award given by the Exploring Division to individuals who have contributed much time and effort to Exploring, so much that it could be perceived as "above and beyond the call of duty". Recipients are determined by personal references and letters of recommendation.

Nominee: _______________________________________________________________________
           (First M. Last)

Address: _____________________________________________ ST: _____ Zip: __________

Phone: ____________________ Years involved with Exploring: _________

Position in Exploring: _________________________________________________________

1.	Positions held in Exploring on all levels including length of service 
	(offices, Committees).




2.	Special Awards or Recognitions Received.




3.	Why do you believe this person should be recognized for 
	"Noteworthy Service"?




Nominator's Signature: ______________________________________ Date: ____________

Phone: ______________________
Please attache additional letters of recommendation, news clippings, etc.

Exploring Hall of Fame Award
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