Exploring Gif
Outstanding Service Project of the Year

This award is presented to the Post which best fulfills the life experience area of citizenship through service. Here the purpose is to motivate young people to do things to help or assist others without expecting material reward. Examples such projects might include service to: their local sponsor, the Untied Way, local ecology organizations, etc.

Application Information

Post #: ______ Sponsoring Organization: ________________________________________

Post Special Interest: _________________________________________________________

Post Advisor: ________________________ Post President: _________________________

# of Members in Post: ______ # of Members Participating: ______

Purpose of Project: ____________________________________________________________

Project Description (include date and place): __________________________________




What did the youth gain from this experience? __________________________________
(Positive and negative experiences)




Please include additional Pages if necessary to answer questions. Attach any 
written material, news clippings, pictures, letters of commendation and 
reports which explains your project.

Nominator's Name: _________________________________________

Phone Number: _________________________________________

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