
From: Andy Parsons, SA.
Date: 9-4-97

I attended Mega 10 as a Police-Scouter.
Firstly, I would like to congratulate the organisers on their excellent efforts generally. It was more than obvious that a HUGE amount of work went into Mega 10!
However, and I do not like to make negative comments about Scouting, I must mention on behlaf of other Police-Scouters and other leaders how disgusted we were by the behaviour of many so-called Venturer-Scouts, particularly at Woodhouse.
The purpose of the Police-Scouters being at Woodhouse was to prevent outsiders from "gatecrashing" or stealing any of the expensive entertainment equipment. Unfortunately, we could not see who did not belong because virtually NOBODY was wearing an I.D.
I would hope that these problems can be prevented from happening again at the next major venture!

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