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    Bill Nelson

    BSA's Two Organizations

    Many people do not know that the BSA is two organizations. The traditional Boy Scout organization and a wholly owned subsidiary called Learning for Life/Exploring. Learning for Life/Exploring has gained some attention lately as the BSA has rolled career Exploring groups into it.

    Learning for Life/Exploring is designed to support schools and other youth-serving organizations in their efforts toward preparing youth to successfully handle the complexities of today's society and to enhance their self-confidence, motivation, and self-worth. Learning for Life/Exploring also helps youth develop social and life skills, assists in character development, and helps them formulate positive personal values. It prepares youth to make ethical decisions that will help them achieve their full potential. Learning for Life/Exploring enhances teacher capacity and increases youth learning!

    For more information on Learning for Life/Exploring

    For more information on the Boy Scouts of America

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