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    Bill Nelson

    Water Games

    Water Bomb Fight

      You will need:

      (for each six or patrol)
      • An endless supply of paper squares to construct water bombs from
      • A jug of water

      Each patrol is given the same number of sheets of paper and a jug of water. On the word go they have to fold the papers into water bombs. Fill them with water and splatter the other patrols. You will find the instructions for water bombs in any good origami book and also in many scouting books. This game is best played out of doors.

    Balloon Volley Ball

      You will need:

      • A volleyball net or a rope over which the balloons can be tossed
      • An endless supply of balloons a quarter filled with water

      This is a very messy game and is therefore ideal for hot days at camp. Your net or rope is stretched between two poles or trees just above head height. You have two teams and one balloon a quarter filled with water. If you put too much water into the balloons then they tend to burst too easily. The object of the game is to lob the balloon over the net and try and soak the opposing team. There is a lot of strategy in this game on such things as catching the balloon without bursting it and ways of lobbing the balloon to make it difficult to catch. When the balloon bursts on one side then a point is awarded to the other side, and a new balloon is brought into play.

    Water Balloon Toss

      You will need:

      • An endless supply of balloons one-quarter filled with Water.

      Players form two lines facing each other about 2 metres apart. Players in line 1 each toss a water balloon to opposite players in line 2. Any players who have a balloon burst are out. After each balloon bursts, a new balloon is brought into play, both lines take one step backward and toss again. Repeat until only one pair of players remain. There are on the market very tiny balloons known as water bombs. If you are going to use vast quantities, then these may be more economical to buy than regular balloons.

    Water Race

      You will need:

      • A bucket of water, a table spoon, and a plastic drinking cup

      Form the players into teams (number and size of teams depends on number of players available). players form parallel lines. Lead player of each line has a bucket of water next to him and a table spoon in his hand. At some distance (10 - 30 meters) from each line is a drinking cup sitting on the ground. Lead player gets a spoonful of water and quickly takes (walk or run) the water to the cup and dumps it in. He then RUNS back to his line and hands the spoon to the next player in the line who is now the lead player. The former lead player goes to the end of the line. The whole process is repeated until one team fills it's cup to overflowing.


      You will need:

      (for each six or patrol)
      • A billy can half filled with water
      • An aluminium foil cake container
      • 1 Alka-Seltzer tablet

      For each patrol, put an Alka-Seltzer tablets in each foil cake dish and then float one cake dish in each patrols billy can. The patrols must now transport the billycan through an obstacle course without the tablet getting wet or falling into the water. They are not allowed to touch the foil disk or the tablet. The patrols could either carry the billy cans by their handles, or if you are feeling very mean, you could get them to pick them up between two poles.

    Water Pistol Fight

      You will need:

      (for each six player)
      • A water pistol or a washing up liquid squeezy bottle
      • A flack jacket made from a double sheet of newspaper with a hole in the centre for the players head to go through
      • A supply of water

      This game should be played out of doors and could come into the wide game category. The trouble with shooting type games, is knowing when someone has been hit. This is the object of the newspaper flack jackets. Any hits on the jacket will be easily visible. Any players with wet patches on their flack jackets, are not allowed to fire on an opponent and must return to their home base for a replacement flack jacket. The team that has the most dry flack jackets at the end of the game are the winners. Obviously you can't use this idea if it is raining.

    Bucket Line

      You will need:

        (for each six or patrol)
      • 2 buckets, one filled with water
      • A supply of paper or plastic cups

      This is a great game for hot days on camp. Teams stand in lines. They have a bucket full of water at the front of the line and an empty bucket at the rear. The object of the game is to transfer the water from the front bucket to the rear bucket. To do this the team members must pass the cups of water over their heads to the person behind. Empty cups must be passed back to the front in the same fashion. To play the game fairly you could weigh the buckets at the start and finish to see how much water has been lost. Penalty points could then be taken into account when working out the winning team.

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