Unauthorized and Restricted Activities

Crew events may not contain activities from the list below.

All-Terrain Vehicles (ATV'S) The use of motorized all-terrain cycles (three or four large soft tire "cycles") are not authorized.

Aviation Unauthorized are: Hang Gliders, microlite and ultralight flying, experimental aircraft flying, parachuting, hot-air ballooning and power aircraft in-night training.

Boxing and Martial Arts Boxing, karate, and martial arts (except judo) are prohibited

Chain-saws and Mechanical Log Splitters May only be authorized for use by trained individuals using proper protective gear who are over the age of 18 and in accordance with Local laws.

Fireworks Sale fireworks as fund-raising or money earning projects are not authorized. The display of fireworks is allowed only by certified and licensed operators under the strictest precautions.

Football Varsity team and interscholastic or club football competition and activities are not part of the programs.

Motorized Speed Event And Demolition Derbies which includes motorcycles, boats, drag racing and related events are prohibited

Rodeo Events It is unauthorized to participate in amateur or professional rodeo events and council/district sponsorship of rodeos is also prohibited

Exploration of Abandoned Mines This is an unauthorized activity. The hundreds of abandoned mines, especially coal mines, scattered across the American countryside represent a risk of serious injury or death.

Motorized Personal Watercraft ("jet skis") are not an authorized program.

"War Games" The activity commonly referred to as "War Games" where individuals shoot paint dye at one another is unauthorized.

Parade Floats and Hayrides The rule prohibiting the transportation of passengers in the backs of trucks can be tempered when using flat-bed trucks for parade neats or hayrides. Be sure that leaders in your Crew follow these steps to prevent accidents:

    1). Whether seated or standing, the members must be able to hold to something stationary.
    2). The Participants must not get on or off the truck while it is in motion.
    3). The participant's legs should not hang over the side of the truck when they are seated.
    4). Transportation to and from the parade or hayride site is not allowed on the truck itself.

Firearms shall not be brought on camping hiking backpacking or Crew activities other than those specifically planned for target shooting under the supervision of a certified firearms instructor.

times since August 4th, 1998.