Table of Contents

What Scouting is doing is unfair and WRONG!
Our Web Page:
Our E-Mail Addresses
Calendar of Events:
Fun Raisers
Floor Fund
369's Garage Sale
World Book Encyclopedias
Post Finances
A shift in time: An annual commentary on the new economy
369's Home Page Statstics, Period
Exploring and Venturing
The Death of Exploring:-(

PostScript Version

(C) Wed Jun 17 15:51:54 EDT 1998 Explorer Post 369

Calendar of Events:

July 30/ August 2 Fort Knox
7/28/78 DJ Gregor
8/4/98 Round Table Main Library 7:00 - 9:00
8/15/98 Leave this date open
8/18/98 First Nighter Planning Session
8/25/98 FN Planning Session
8/29/98 Next Year's Calendar Planning Meeting
9/4/98 FN Letters are Mailed
9/8/98 FN Dress Rehearsal
9/10/98 2nd FN Letters are mailed
9/11/79 Jon Lehman
9/15/98 First Nigher
9/22/98 Classes Begin
9/26/98 Garage Sale
10/6/98 Round Table Main Library 7:00 - 9:00
10/24-25/98 Halloween Outing
11/1/98 Pop Corn Sale Begins
11/10/81 Joe Prinz
11/20/98 Pop Corn Sale Ends
11/21-22/98 Activity?
12/1/98 Deposit are due for National Exploring Conference
12/1/98 Round Table Main Library 7:00 - 9:00
12/5/98 Pop Corn Pickup
12/11/78 Joe Harvey
12/14/98 Rechartering Reception
12/18/98 Annual Exploring Business Meeting
12/18/98 Silver Beaver applications are due
12/19-20/98 Explorer Outing
12/21/98 Pop Corn Money is due
12/22/98 Christmas Pizza Party
12/31/98 National Young American Award Deadline
1/9/99 Key Leader's Workshop
1/15/99 Sky Trip Peak-to-Peak NY $100.00
1/30/99 Pow-Wow
3rd Monday @Month EOA Meetings Council Office 7:00 - 9:00

Fun Raisers

James D. Corder

The Numbers are in Explorer Post 369 made $181.93 on the Flower Sale. Explorer Post 369 made $471.64 on the Garage Sale. 369 Spent $12.10 awards for Recognition dinner!

Floor Fund

James D. Corder

Explorer Post 369 has $2,151.57 in their Floor Fund. They need $348.43 before the committey will allow them to get their building permits:-)

369's Garage Sale

James D. Corder

I would like to thank the Whitehall Kiwanas, The Macavinas, The Caranbaws, The Drakes, and The Corders for their generous donations; without whom there wouldn't have been a garage sale. I would also like to give a special round of thanks to Mom & Dad Corder their efforts where most definitely felt and appreciated.

With about two weeks of collecting junk, and I do mean JUNK and one day's effort Explorer Post 369 raised one fifth of their floor fund's needs.

World Book Encyclopedias

James D. Corder

Explorer Post 369 donated a complete set of World Book Encyclopedias to the Reformation Lutheran Church.

Post Finances

Explorer Post 369 has -$1,608.00
Floor Fund Need $2,500.00
Floor Fund On               $798.00   
Flower Sale      $608.74              
Cost             $408.81              
Gross Profit     $199.93              
M, Arron        $(12.00)              
Schlegel, Jon    $(5.00)              
Thorton, Mike    $(1.00)              
Net Profit       $181.93    $181.93   
Garage Sale                $ 471.64   
Donation                   $ 700.00
Sub Total                 $2,151.57   

Up-an-Coming Post Expenses

12/01/98 Post Charter $30.00

12/01/98 Post Insurance $85.00

Monthly ExpNews $75.00

Up-an-Coming Member Expenses

Registration 11/01/98 $15.00

A shift in time: An annual commentary on the new economy

Joe Prinze

As times change so does the economy. This evolution is evident in the change from an agricultural based economy which began more than 200 years ago to the industrialized economy of today. For two centuries industrialization spread products, ideas, and communication through the world. Now is the dawn of a new economy, an economy who's sole commodity is information.

Already companies have been promoting this `new economy' through the advent of the information super highway. Companies such as and CD Now are taking advantage of the hyped world wide web, and distributing their wares. is a web-based company who sells books throughout the world, and CD Now, also a web- based company, sells CDs through the world wide web. The information super highway is so hot right now that established companies like Egghead Software who sell computer related merchandise, now have sold all their stand alone stores, and have renamed themselves, in order to operate specifically on the internet.

The move to the internet is a big step for a company large or small, but it can be extremely rewarding and fruitful. When a company moves to the internet they have the ability to be reached from across the globe with a click of a mouse. The business can operate 24 hours a day with little expense for operation.

However, this phenomenon poses a problem - the dividing of the economic classes. The consumer must have access to a computer equipped with a connection to the internet.This is a problem for the lower class and for those who do not possess the means of purchasing or operating a computer. This is also a problem for the "mom and pop" stores who are too small to reap the benefits of being an online store.

At the risk of making a value judgment about business on the internet, I merely would like to generate food for thought. This is happening in the business world right now, and it is something that will affect us all.

369's Home Page Statstics, Period

from May 1, 1997 to June 14, 1998

The past 12 months of our page has seen tremendous growth. The front page once again got restructured. We won two web awards: one Scouting related and one Commercial, for a total of three. In the November 1997 issue of the ExpNews we stated that the cost of a professional web page would be between $100,000.00 and $1,000,000.00 to develop with between $1,000.00 and $6,000.00 a month to maintain. I have found this to hold true with most sites. I am proud of Explorer Post 369 for it is truly of commercial grade and it was all done for free:-)


During this period, there were 68458 accesses and 198899 hits. Each visitor viewed an average of 3.7 pages and downloaded 76.3 kilobytes. Hosts visited Explorer Post 369's Home Page an average of 1.8 times, for a total of 18657 unique visits by 10096 unique hosts.

There were 1.9 visits per hour, and a sustained rate of 20.2 hits per hour. Of these visits, 1145 (6.1%) originated from Ohio State University, and 17512 (93.9%) were from outside networks.

Explorer Post 369's Home Page served 1389.5 megabytes of information during this time period.

Daily Statistics

Average       486                     
Maximum       4829  on day 19970529.  
Minimum       20    on day 19980410.  

Accesses by Domain

Domain   Deff.        Visits  %total  
com      US Com         7968    42.7  
net      Network        3819    20.5  
numeric  IP Address     2397    12.8  
edu      US Educa       2361    12.7  
au       Australia       244     1.3  
ca       Canada          227     1.2  
us       United          174     0.9  
uk       United          173     0.9  
org      Non-Profit      162     0.9  
gov      US Gov          141     0.8  
de       Germany         105     0.6  
mil      US Mili          97     0.5  
nl       Nether           81     0.4  
jp       Japan            64     0.3  
se       Sweden           64     0.3  
fr       France           49     0.3  
sg       Singapore        35     0.2  
it       Italy            35     0.2  
my       Malaysia         28     0.2  
no       Norway           27     0.1  
br       Brazil           25     0.1  
fi       Finland          24     0.1  
pt       Portugal         23     0.1  
es       Spain            22     0.1  
nz       New              22     0.1  
dk       Denmark          21     0.1  
be       Belgium          20     0.1  
ch       Switzer          20     0.1  
il       Israel           18     0.1  
mx       Mexico           16     0.1  
pl       Poland           15     0.1  
ru       Russian          13     0.1  
hk       Hong Kong        12     0.1  
ie       Ireland          12     0.1  
za       South            10     0.1  
cz       Czech            10     0.1  
in       India             9     0.0  
kr       Korea             8     0.0  
hr       Croatia           8     0.0  
hu       Hungary           8     0.0  
ve       Venezuela         5     0.0  
cl       Chile             5     0.0  
th       Thailand          5     0.0  
id       Indonesia         4     0.0  
co       Colombia          4     0.0  
cr       Costa Rica        4     0.0  
gr       Greece            4     0.0  
si       Slovenia          4     0.0  
do       Dominican         4     0.0  
ar       Argentina         3     0.0  
at       Austria           3     0.0  
is       Iceland           3     0.0  
uy       Uruguay           3     0.0  
cn       China             3     0.0  
cy       Cyprus            2     0.0  
sk       Slovak            2     0.0  
pk       Pakistan          2     0.0  
host     IP Address        2     0.0  
ae       United            2     0.0  
         Arab Emir                    
tr       Turkey            2     0.0  
tt       Trinidad          2     0.0  
         and Tobago                   
tw       Taiwan            2     0.0  
eg       Egypt             2     0.0  
arpa     Old style         2     0.0  
ro       Romania           2     0.0  
ke       Kenya             1     0.0  
ky       Cayman            1     0.0  
int      Interna           1     0.0  
pe       Peru              1     0.0  
ph       Philippines       1     0.0  
lu       Luxem             1     0.0  
lv       Latvia            1     0.0  
ee       Estonia           1     0.0  
mk       Macedonia         1     0.0  
bg       Bulgaria          1     0.0  
bh       Bahrain           1     0.0  
yu       Yugoslavia        1     0.0  
na       Namibia           1     0.0  
jo       Jordan            1       0  

Hourly Statistics

Avg Hits/Hour   25  
Max Hits/Hour   40  
Min Hits/Hour   10  
Avg Hits/Day   486  

 Hour    Hits   
00:00   24.79   
01:00   26.83   
02:00   12.54   
03:00   16.58   
04:00   12.29   
05:00   10.56   
06:00   10.24   
07:00   15.15   
08:00   18.54   
09:00   23.37   
10:00   30.50   
11:00   30.69   
12:00   32.21   
13:00   34.16   
14:00   30.12   
15:00   35.56   
16:00   40.56   
17:00   32.42   
18:00   32.01   
19:00   32.68   
20:00   30.10   
21:00   28.75   
22:00   30.08   
23:00   30.68   


Browser Class                % of total  
Netscape Navigator                 45.8  
Microsoft Internet Explorer        36.0  
Other                              18.3  

Platforms             % of total  
Windows 95                  51.5  
Other                       26.7  
UNIX                         7.1  
Windows NT                   6.9  
Windows 3.1 or lower         4.4  
Macintosh                    3.3  
OS/2                         0.0  

Top 15 Visitors, By Hosts

Host Address                 Hits     %   
---------------------------------------           9885   4.97            7595   3.82       3951   1.99  3716   1.87  3711   1.87           3533   1.78         2930   1.47          2810   1.41                2511   1.26              2053   1.03        2006   1.01  1738   0.87              1593   0.80             1576   0.79          1412   0.71   

Top 15 Browsers                                            % of total  
Mozilla/2.0 (compatible; NEWT ActiveX; Win32)                     8.4  
Mozilla/2.0 (compatible; MSIE 3.02; Win32)                        7.7  
ia_archiver/1.6                                                   4.7  
Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 4.01; Windows 95)                   4.6  
Mozilla/4.04 [en] (Win95; I)                                      4.4  
Mozilla/4.05 [en] (Win95; I)                                      3.7  
Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 4.0; Windows 95)                    2.6  
Mozilla/4.03 [en] (Win95; I)                                      2.4  
Mozilla/2.0 (compatible; MSIE 3.02; Windows 95)                   2.4  
Mozilla/2.0 (compatible; MSIE 3.01; Windows 95)                   2.3  
Mozilla/4.04 [en] (Win95; U)                                      1.9  
Mozilla/3.01Gold (X11; I; SunOS 5.5 sun4c)                        1.9  
Mozilla/2.0 (compatible; MSIE 3.0; Windows 95)                    1.8  
Mozilla/2.0 (compatible; MSIE 3.02; Update a; Windows 95)         1.5  
Mozilla/3.0 (Win95; I)                                     1.5         

Exploring and Venturing Offer Unit-Serving Executives Unique Opportunities.

ProSpeak, June 1998

Recently announced changes in the Exploring program and the introduction of the Venturing program offer unit-serving executives some unique opportunities. For Exploring, it's the challenge of repositioning the program as a workplace-based component of Learning for life. With Venturing, unit-serving executives have the rare chance to participate in the launch of a new program group - the first since Exploring was adopted in 1950. To clarify some of the issues surrounding Exploring and Venturing, ProSpeak has compiled answers to some of the most frequently asked questions.

Additional information on Venturing and Exploring will be available at the National Leadership Training Conference in August.

Venturing Questions

Venturing Answers

369's Questions

Why did you choose the name Venturing?

Around the world, many other Scout associations' teenage programs are called Venturing. Australian Ventures are 14 - 18. Australian Rovers are 18 - 26. What will the age group of the American Ventures be?
What are the proper names for Venturing members and units? Members of the Venturing program are called Venturers. Venturing units are called crews. Venturing crew adult leaders are called Advisors. and the Venturing crew youth leaders is the crew president. -
Will we continue to have the Venture program in Boy Scout Troops? Yes, the Venture program in Boy Scouting has been part of the catalyst for increased Boy Scout retention and membership growth. Venture Scouts in Boy Scout troops will be members of Venture patrols. -
Will Venture crews be coed? Yes, at the option of the chartered organization. The Venture patrol in Boy Scout troops continues to serve only boys. -
What about a Venturing uniform? The BSA will offer the traditional spruce-green uniform shirt for Venturers. It is recommended that crews adopt a charcoal gray casual pant and/or backpacking-style shorts for their uniform. However, each crew may determine what, if any, specific uniform pants or shorts they will wear on the basis of crew activities. Who is going to pay to change over all of the Exploring shirts and patches to Venture patches?
Will Venturing have an advancement program like Cub Scouting and Boy Scouting? Yes. Venturing's advancement will be based on achieving proficiency in a variety of skill levels. The awards include the Venturing Bronze, Venturing Gold, Venturing Silver, Venturing Ranger, and Sea Scouting Quartermaster awards. Do Crews have to particpate on this advancement? Can they continue their own program?
How will youth register for Venturing? The registration process for venturing will be the same as the process of Cub Scouting, Boy Scouting, and Varsity Scouting. Venturers will be registered members of the BSA. -
What are the registration fees for Venturing and Exploring? Both Venturing and Exploring will retain the same $7 annual fee. The venturing fee will be a BSA membership fee; the Exploring fee will be a participation fee. -
How will membership reports be changed? Membership reports will be called membership and Participation Reports." Venturers and crews will be listed with BSA membership; Explorers and posts will be listed as Learning for Life participants. -
What will Sea Explorers be called? Sea Explorers will become Sea Scouts and will be registered in the venturing program. -

Exploring Questions

Exploring Answers

369's Questions

Will Exploring continue to be counted as traditional membership? Effective August 1, 1998, Exploring will be part of the Learning for Life, and Explorers will be counted as Learning for Life participants. Venturers will be counted as traditional members. Historical numbers will be provided on a unit-by-unit basis so proper comparisons can be made. -
By moving Exploring to Learning for Life, does this mean that Exploring is now an in-school program like Learning for Life groups? No. Learning for Life groups are part of a school-based program. Exploring will continue to be work placed-based program. -
What are the proper names for Exploring members and units? Participants in the Exploring program are called Explores. Exploring units are posts. The adult leader of an Explorer post is the Advisor. And the youth leader of an Explorer Post is the president. -
Will Exploring continue to have six experience levels? Exploring programs are based on five areas of emphasis: career opportunities, life skills, service learning, character education, and leadership experience. That is a big no! What was wrong with Career, Social, Citizenship, Outdoor, Service, Fitness?
What about Exploring uniforms? Many Explorer posts have already developed their own uniform appropriate to their specialty. They will be encouraged to continue to do so. What about the Explorer Post that wear the spruce green uniforms that where given to the Ventures?
Will we continue to have national Exploring Conferences? We expect to have a very successful Law Enforcement Exploring Conference and Exploring Leadership Conference this year. Although some of our conferences may look somewhat different in the future, national support for high school-age youth will continue to be very high priority. What will happen on the second through nth year?
Will we continue to have a national Exploring president? Youth membership will be represented on the BSA National Executive Board by a Venturing president and the national Order of the Arrow chief. That was a big no! Apparently Exploring will have no repesentation on the National Executive Board.
Will we continue to have Exploring Magazine? No. The June issue of Exploring magazine will be the last one. Venturing leaders will receive Scouting magazine. Methods of communicating with Exploring leaders and Exploring and Venturing members are still being studied. Will the Explorer Posts be a part of this "study?"
Will Explorers be able to participate in national high-adventure programs like Philmont, Northern Tier, and Sea Base, as well as national and world jamborees? No. Participation in Scouting programs at national high-adventure bases or jamborees is restricted to BSA members. A new Guide to Learning for Life Activities is being developed in support or appropriate outdoor activities for Learning for Life groups and Explorer posts. All current reservations at National High-Adventure bases will be honored. -
Will boys be able to earn their Eagle rank in Exploring? No. They will need to earn their Eagle rank as members of a Boy Scout troop, Sea Scout ship, or Venturing crew. Only boys who have attained first-class rank in a Boy Scout troop may continue toward Eagle as a Venturer or Sea Scout. Boys currently working on the Eagle rank in Exploring may continue to do so until December 31, 1999. Shouldn't a boy at the age of 14 have until his 18th to finnish his Eagle? Therefore, if a Bou joined July 31 on his 14th birthday he should have until August 1st, 2002.

Exploring Motto:

The Venturing Oath:

The Exploring Code:

Our Best Today for a Better Tomorrow. As a Venturer, I promise to help strengthen America, to be faithful in my religious duties, to help others, and to seek truth, fairness, and adventures in our world. As an Explorer:

I believe that American's Strength lies in her trust in God and in the courage and strength of her people

I will, therefore, be faithful in my religious duties and will maintain a personal sense of honor in my own life.

I will treasure my American heritage and will do all I can to preserve and enrich it.

I will recognize the dignity and owrth of my fellowmen and will use fair play and good will in dealing with them.

I will acquire the exploring attitude that seeks the truth in all things and adventure on the fronteers of our changing world.

Right now the decision if you are going to stay in Scouting or be moved out of Scouting [Learning for Life] is being made for your Post if you like it or not!!!

What can you do about it!!!

Do nothing, the choice will be made for you!

Call and tell your Exploring Executive you are not a career post but a Hobby post and you will be moved into Venturing.

Call and tell your Exploring Executive you are not a hobby post but a career post and you will be moved into Learning for Life.

Explorer Post 369 no longer teaches UNIX System Administration as a career. We are computer Hobbyist:-) We want to stay with Boy Scouts of America. We want to be able to continue to use their camps and high adventure bases... We want to keep the high moral values of Scouting...

Pickup the phone now and CALL!!!

DON'T put it off!!!

Tell your Executive where you want to go!

The decision is being made with or without you!

The Executive, without your input, will play eny-meny-miny-mo with your unit!

What is Learning for life

What is Exploring

Varsity Scouting

Venture Crews in Troops [Offline:-?]

What happens to the Explorer Code? Does Ventures get it or does Exploring Keep it?

Do the units get to choose if they become Ventures and keep the values that make their program strong or will they be forced into moving to Learning for Life?

When Explorer Post 369 becomes Venturing Crew 369 who is going to pay to have our 382 page web site converted?

382 pages * 4 hours a page * $10.00 an hour for unskilled labor = $15,280.00 or

382 pages * 4 hours a page * $125.00 an hour skilled labor = $191,000.00.

Ok, maybe this can be a youth project:
382 pages * 4 hours a page = 1,528 hours / 2 hours a week = 764 weeks or 14+ years.

What Scouting is doing is unfair and WRONG!

James D. Corder

For the fist time in my Scouting history [most of my life] I am ashamed of the Boy Scouts of America. I use to have a bumper sticker that read: "America is returning to the values that Scouting never left!" Well, until now.

Every time Boy Scouts of America was sued for their strong beliefs, they won. Unfortunately the liberals have sued the cities and now have made it eligal to support the Scouting movement inside maniacal properties because of Scouting's commitment to their religious beliefs. Rather than fighting, or eliminated Law Enforcement and Fire Posts BSA has decided to remove all membership requirements and religious dedications from Exploring. Moreover, they have decided to remove Exploring from Scouting and make it apart of the Learning for Life program.

I believe that a Man must stand on his principals. Therefore, either Explorer Post 369 will become a Venture Unit, or a BP Scouting Unit, or Completely remove itself from Scouting! These decisions will be made in the month of August!


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